Monday, October 24, 2011

2011 Biggest Contributor Award

Well, I’ve got this whole blog space to fill and you probably know who’s going to win this award, so I’ll take the time to rant a little.  I’d like the GMDGC Volunteer of the Year Award to be renamed the Circle Three Volunteer of the Year Award.  It has a nice ring to it, you have to admit.  I mean, I did come up with the idea long before Chris Young stole my thunder.  So think about it.  You don’t have to give me your answer right away.

We do, though, have some folks who really put a lot into this club.  I kind of feel bad only being able to nominate 4 finalists.  Many of you were probably thinking about loved ones who contribute a lot to our courses and such that I didn’t get to mention in the nominations.  Sorry about that.  Running a blog is hard work and I have to make the difficult decisions.  That’s how it is being me. 

Volunteers make our club what it is.  These four are great examples of that.  Frothy does it all, a real Jack of All Trades for the GMDGC.  Rang Duce loves his doubles and half of his tee pads.  Matty O. has given his blood, sweat, tears (ask him about the time I did major renovations on the course when he was out of town), time, and land to an amazing gem of a course.  Al Rosa builds benches, makes Wrightsville what it is, and has probably helped with 50 other things I’m not aware of.

Before I unveil the winner, let's also clear up some of the incidentals and housekeeping for the Circle Three Birdie Awards.  First of all, there's a schedule of events all week, so keep your eyes peeled for your favorite award categories.  Second, I've fixed the comments, so feel free to comment on any and all award categories as they're announced.  Third, in the interest of fair journalism, I'll be happy to post an acceptance speech from each and every winner.  

Without further ado, I'm happy to announce this year’s Biggest Contributor is in fact, the Man, the Myth, the Legend DAVID FROTHINGHAM.


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