Well, the commenting on the blog has
been fixed and some interesting thoughts have been rolling in. I
feel like there are some things I need to respond to, so Circle Three
is going to be doing a mail bag post today. The fun part is, most of
the comments I'm getting are anonymous, so I won't be able to tell
you who posted them, but I'm going to respond none the less.
Just so you know how this is going to
work, I'll let you know who made the comment if its possible, I'll
write the comment and then respond to it. And there's no way you'll
like my responses. So, if you'd like to stop reading now, feel free.
I won't be offended.
From Andy Powell: I used to have two
solid scores, but now I only have one? What gives? Just for the
record, course pars are as follows: Peak Course Blues- 63, Peak
Course Whites- 60, and Base Course Blues- 59.
Yes, Andy Powell is correct about most
of what he says here. I messed up the course pars in my article. I
half assed it, there's no denying that. I'll try my best not to make
the same mistake again. I could drop some excuses as to why I messed
it up, but those would just be excuses and we've got no time for that
The meat of Andy's comment is about his
one or two solid scores. He's currently sitting with these scores:
93.75, 17.24, 85.19, 66.67, and 29.17. So, the way it looks to me,
Andy's correct again. I can't deny that both 93.75 and 85.19 are
both solid scores. Another oversight on my end. However, here's the
meat of my comment. Andy's going to need to work a lot harder if he
wants to win this division. Bedell has two 100's and an 89.66.
Harris has three scores in the 90's. Andy's 85.19 doesn't beat any
of those scores I just mentioned. So, Andy's technically right, but
I don't think it's going to be enough.
From Spazz Mcgee: No need to every
play Bagel Bush again. Smuggs cares and is way better of a course.
I feel for Josh and others who try to maintain that course.
Me too. It's a tough and mostly
thankless job. I, for one, doubt I'll be playing Sugarbush again
this year. I think it's going to become one of those courses like
Randolph that I play once a year when tournaments come to town. And,
for the record, that's coming from a guy with another month off and a
serious disc golf addiction.
Anonymous: Haters gonna hate.
Exactly. Haters gonna hate. I think someone I know wrote this one, but he's right. He learned it from me, but
he's right.
Anonymous: Raw chicken is
metaphorically the state of those Peak tee boxes, but Shawn at the
bar is amazing and deserves a raise!
Bingo. Shawn is good shit. He's a
great guy and a great bartender. Whoever wrote this comment not only
knows a good bartender when he or she sees one, but also knows how to
make a wonderful comparison. That was a wonderful turn of phrase. If this commenter would like to talk to
me about doing some writing for the website, please do.
Anonymous: Yeah...yeah...clearly the
Peak Course tee boxes need some work, but other than that I thought
the course looked great. The fairways (ski slopes) weren't
overgrown, and the baskets were straight and at the proper heights.
What more do you want? I for one, can't wait until next year! Just
get them to fix up the tees.
What more do I want? At a tournament
and at a pay to play course, I do expect nice boxes. I don't think
that's too much to ask. And if that is too much to ask, then I'm
going to vote with my dollars. And my dollars won't be going back to
Sugarbush disc golf. That's my right as a consumer and the only real
feedback you can give a business.
However, this commenter does make a
good point that I overlooked. There was some nice mowing and
trimming done on the Sugarbush courses. One place that stands out is
the corner of hole 18 on the Peak. That's often a place where things
get terribly overgrown, but it was very manageable.
As for the baskets, I can't agree. Do
you call this straight?
![]() |
Sugarbush basket |
Anonymous: And how exactly were the
payouts shady? If you have something to say, say it.
Well, first of all, the tone of this
one sounds a little defensive. I'm not sure if the comment is
directed towards this website or towards another comment that
directly called the payouts shady. Either way, it's my website so
I'm going to respond.
My point was not that the payouts are
shady. I've done the TD thing and I've had my argument years ago
about where all the disc golf money is going. No one's stealing
money or getting rich off this stuff. That I know for sure.
However, I really think we need to
encourage people to play Pro. I think it's the highest echelon of
disc golf. Simply put, if someone has to pay $60 to play Pro against
10 other players and then only wins $190 for his trouble, it's not
very enticing.
I'm a betting man. Making a $60 bet
against 10 other people to win $190 doesn't seem like that good of a
bet to me. And that sort of payout isn't going to convince other
people to step up to the big boy division. Finally, there's no
fucking way that the Pro Open winner should win $190 in an 11 person
division and the Pro Grandmaster winner should win $120 in a 3 person
I'm not accusing anyone of skimming
from the pot. And, I fully understand that there was only one payout
in the Pro Grandmasters division. But, in my mind, it just doesn't
make sense. As a betting man, I'd much rather bet my $60* against 2
other old guys to win $120.
My final point is this. If we really
want Vermont disc golf to be taken seriously outside of our state, we
need more Pro Open players. We need bigger divisions, more players,
and more competition. And to get all that, we need to keep
encouraging people to take the risk to move up.
How we achieve that is not something I
can totally answer for you here and now. My first thought is pushing
money up from other divisions to fund Pro payouts. A few years ago I
would have been opposed to that idea. Now I'm not. And, I play in
an amateur division. So, yes, I'm suggesting we should skim money
from my division to pay out the Pros.
So, there you have it, our first mail
bag. I'm sure this angered more people than the original article.
But, so be it. If you've got something to say, use the comment
section or see me in person. I'm open to discussion.
*I tried to verify what a Pro
Grandmaster had to pay to play at the LPO but couldn't find the
information online. I'm assuming the division also cost $60, but it
has not yet been verified.
Agreed pro grandmaster is a joke they should just be in am2
Or maybe AM3 based on the scores... they would have started coming in at 8th place in AM2.
ReplyDeleteI just don't think that they have earned the title " pro" just because they are old. They need to step down to a non cash payout division. 8th place in am 2 is what I call a competitive rec player!
DeleteWhy does everyone have such a hard-on for the peak course, I think it sucks. Sugarbush obviously has no interest in recognizing Disc Golf at their resort. I suggest GMDGC not hold a points tournament there next year. With an expanding schedule at quality courses in VT, there is no need to put up with that crap.
ReplyDeleteJosh, Dave, Anne, and others have worked hard to keep disc golf there and their efforts should be recognized.
Everyone needs to slow their role and stop hating on the Bush. Let's look at the facts
DeleteFact 1- sugarbush invested a lot of time and resources in designing and building two amazing courses, really before they knew if a market exists in VT
Fact 2- they paid a lot of money for 36 top quality baskets
Fact 3- sugarbush is a business. They built the corse to make money not for the better good of the sport
Fact 4- the disc golf community has not always supported the bush. I know everyone myself included has at least once played and not paid here
Fact 5- if disc golf is only 1% of sugarbush's revenue then it stands to reason that it only deserves 1% of their attention. Sorry guys but the zip line is a fucking money maker
Fact 6- this place is as unique as it gets. My favorite in VT and a must play for everyone
Fact 7- skiing is a tough industry and mountains are losing money all the time, the fact that they have the course and let us play their for $5 is awesome and something we should not lose sight of. If the tee boxes got you pissed, pick up a rake and help fix em. It would be for betterment of the sport
I forgot one
DeleteFact 8- sugarbush is one of Fiddleheads best accounts
this "anonymous" guy is a real flip flopper....
ReplyDeletei think the negative comments about the course and resort are valid but also easily fixable with a little more love and attention, some of which needs to come from the GMDGC and disc golfers that are interested in having a sweet mountain course. disc golf courses don't happen without permission from landowners (sugarbush) and passion from players (us). I agree that it would be pretty bogus if VT disc golfers were pouring love and attention into the course and Sugarbush was taking actions that was detrimental to the game expanding there, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
If you haven't made an effort to work on the course, improve it, make it better, or contact the people of influence over the course at sugarbush and get them to put more resources into the game, its hard to hear the negative criticism (that has no function other than whining) seriously. Constructive feedback, however, is solid and I'm sure everyone at the bush appreciates it, and if there is enough support, will act on it.
If you aren't in a place to make those efforts, I have to agree with Circle Three. The best way to give feedback is with your wallet.
First of all, the part about my score demoted from C3 "strong" status was just a bit of poking fun at you. I'm not one to throw emoticons out left and right Mark Foster style so that was my way of conveying my humorous tone. By the way, my one "decent" score when combined with the weaker result falling below the 86 point ambiguous threshold still add up to more than your two "decent scores". :)
ReplyDelete(see previous statement in regard to smiley)
Second, my correction of the pars has been corrected. I guess the par for the base course has been changed to 60. I just thought you would want to have the opportunity to correct your work.
Third, the actual "meat" of my comment was the only part not quoted. The majority of Sugarbush's income from disc golf is most definitely what I will refer to as the "12 hole players." These are families of beginner-level disc golfers on vacation, often with a busload of small children in tow, who are advised to skip the peak course completely and take the turn from hole 2's basket straight to the back nine (bachnein?) in order to avoid the longer holes. The Bush probably makes more on any given weekend from this type of player than it does from our tournaments. You stated that $10 went to the resort from tournament fees. The normal rate to play the peak course is $15, so if that figure is correct, then they're giving us a break on that one. The only way they are going to see a return from the more serious disc golfer is to have full weekend tournaments where they see the rewards in lodging and food. To gain the larger, higher caliber pro field discussed will most certainly require not double-booking a date with other NEFA events and probably a reversal of the non-PDGA movement we have going on. That's what draws the likes of Brinster, the Frizzaks, Greggor, and other top-quality New England golfers. One tournament a year will probably not warrant any type of major overhaul. The last big push to improve course conditions including peak course tee boxes was driven by a NEFA 2x event and NEFA finals being held at the resort in the same year.
One last thing to remember: This course drew the biggest names in our sport for the first two years with field sizes that make Run for the Border look puny. Smuggs is a beautiful new course with a very ambitious plan for the future, however it is too new to know how those plans will work out. We as a club are beginning to be stretched thin. We may have to decide soon what our priorities are. Do we want more courses or better courses? What types (championship caliber or beginner friendly)? I think this is the discussion we will need to have in the very near future.
I guess that should read 11-hole players. Math is hard.