Thursday, July 19, 2012

Here Comes the LPO

It's almost time to thrown down.

This morning I was doing my daily internetting, you know, reading the forum, checking in on, looking at my page view stats.  The usual.  Somewhere along the way, probably from Twitter, I came across an interview on the Daily Show that Jon Stewart did with Loius C.K.  Not only do I think Louis C.K. is super funny, but it caught my attention that he was recently vacationing in Vermont, “being in the green of America.”  I watched the interview, and you can watch it here, if you’re not too easily offended.  (It’s NSFW.)

I watched to see if he mentioned playing a round at the new Brewster Ridge course or maybe talked about a day trip to Montgomery.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Louis C.K. is a disc golfer, but he did have some choice things to say about bloggers (among other people).  He said blogs were the place for “hyperbole and garbage.”  The views and opinions are “uneducated and unfettered.”  Jon Stewart added, “Say whatever pops into your head.  Blah.”

How flattering that these two legends of comedy and television could totally nail the theme of Circle Three so easily and so precisely.  It’s taken me over a year to define the mission statement of this website and these two did it in a few short moments.  Amazing. 

So, let’s dive into some uneducated, unfettered talk about the Lincoln Peak Open.  It’ll be filled with hyperbole and, as usual, will be mostly garbage. 

*Five events in the point series are down and five remain.  Someone still has the chance to win out and knock Chris Young from the top spot, but will it really happen? 

*The Pro Open field, as it has all season, looks like solid gold.  Tim Walsh is driving north to play.  Vermonters old and young, including Dave Frothingham, Chris Young, Pete Hess, Ian Thurston, Mike Davies, Jeff Spring, Mike Habets, Matt Marro, Travis Keller, and Jon Moorer are scheduled to attend.  Ian Thurston and Mike Habets, from the fair state of New Hampshire, will be in attendance.  And something tells me that we’ll also see some last minute, out-of-state additions to the Pro field.

*I’ll make my Pro Open predictions based on who we know is playing right now.  I think Tim Walsh is going to stick with the Vermont Tourist theme and take down the division.  Why not make it two Vermont tournaments in a row?  However, I do think that the Peak course will be the place that Jeff Spring starts to make his mid-season move.  I expect him to have a strong enough day to take second.  And Young Bucks is going to stick around, as always, in order to keep a tight grip on his point series lead.

*Pro Open Win/Place/Show Prediction: Walsh/Spring/Young

*AM1.  This one makes my palms sweat just thinking about it.  Right now four out of the top five players in the division are registered for the LPO- Justin Kaulius, Edwin Bedell, Seth McQuade, and Brad Harris.  Only Andy Powell is not on the pre-registration list.  I guess that’s what playing in Worlds will do to a man.
*I’ve written before that I think the rest of the division is going to be hard pressed to stop Brad Harris on his march to the top.  A solid finish at the LPO may put him atop the division leader board.  His consistent game and terrific putting should play well at Sugarbush, but I don’t see him winning this one.  Christian Keidel, is this your time to take home a win?  I’m not picking you, but maybe you should think about it. 

*These predictions are totally junk, because I’m not doing anything but making unfettered guesses.  So I’m going to dive in head first.  Phelan Lyman for the win in AM1.  Tyler Teed with momentum from some good recent rounds.  Harris because he’s incredibly solid. 

*AM1 Win/Place/Show Prediction: Lyman/Teed/Harris

*So, yeah, I did it again.  Both predicted winners are out-of-staters.  In the Loius C.K. and Jon Stewart interview that we opened with, Stewart says, “You know the lesson here?  Never go to Vermont.  It’s a dangerous place.”  If only we could spread that word to players outside of the Green Mountain State…

Gretchen Kruesi takes great photos, thanks as always.



  1. Habets & Thurston = Vermonters??? I thought they were Hampsters...

    I like Walsh and Harris for the wins...

  2. Jordan Potvin and Rudy Pollari will duke it out in AM2.

    McQuade and Harris battle it out in AM1.

  3. I think the iPhone commenting problem is fixed.

  4. Circle three you need to stay out of the prediction game. I like the Froth up on the hill, his game suits it perfectly and as long as no playoff is involved he has to be the favorite. As for the 13 year old kid, come on he lacks the harden skills and mental strength that the peak demands. Sure he can throw the disc a country fucking mile but that won't really help much at 3500 ft. The real winner tomorrow is going to be either Spencer or KKD. According to his recollection KKD has won before at the Bush and needs to get that monkey off his back.

  5. Oh and by the way no cares about AM 2 dude. Moses and JC could be battling it out and it still won't be worthy of coverage. Want to see your name in lights? Move up

  6. Yeah, I can comment!!!

  7. this is where the messiah takes the reins and makes the point series his bitch
