Monday, July 18, 2011

Waterbury Looks Amazing

There are certain times of the year where Waterbury's Center Chains Disc Golf Course looks amazing and you realize what a gem the course really is. Right now is one of those times. I feel like I'm kind of blowing up the spot, like giving up one of your secret stashes at a ski resort, but I'm going to tell you that Center Chains looks amazing right now.

A big round of thanks should go out to those involved in the grass cutting, trimming, weed wacking, and tree removal done on the course. I can only imagine that Matt Alberghini, Anne Lewis, and Dave Frothingham were responsible for most of the work. Thank you. If I've missed any other golfers who spent the day working, feel free to leave a comment so we can give them the thanks they deserve.

So, quit reading this nerdy blog and go play.

UPDATED: From Josh Rappeport: "Mr. Al Rosa is deserving of a mention... his efforts were were apparently verging on legendary!"

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Al Rosa is deserving of a mention... his efforts were were apparently verging on legendary!
