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Which disc is the Vermont favorite? |
Which disc is king/queen of the Green Mountain
Disc Golf Club? Meteor? Wraith? Monarch?
Jeff, really? It’s pretty impressive how you can dominate disc golf in Vermont but then be so oblivious to something like what other players are throwing. Challenger? Monarch? C’mon, I don’t think you’re even close on those two. Everybody and their brother carries a Buzzz in the bag. Unless you’re a bit older and you throw a Roc or you’re a bit like James Sweat and can’t stand doing what everyone else is doing.
So, yes, everyone has a Buzzz. But, I don’t think it’s the king or queen of the GMDGC. Not too long ago there was a One Disc Round at Twin Falls and I think that gave us a pretty good cross sample of what folks liked. Only one driver was thrown that night, of course thrown forehand by Jon Moorer. Somebody, like Frothy or Todd Holmes, had a putter. But, it was overwhelming the Meteor that most people threw that night. So I’d have to say that the Meteor is the King/Queen Disc of the Green Mountain Disc Golf Club.
Oh, right. So maybe you weren’t too far off base on that one. Meteor was your first guess. Sorry. I’ll read the question more carefully next time.
Which event do you think represents the Green
Mountain Disc Golf Club best and why?
I think I know who Klazer is, but I’m not sure. That kind of bugs me a little. But, the question’s great so I’ll just go ahead and dive in. Plus I read it fully this time so I can be accurate in my answer.
First, let’s think about the Green Mountain disc golf scene and what it’s all about. As Emmitt Cosgrove will tell you, the scene is a little exclusionary and people are pretty standoffish to new folks in Vermont. Now, we do get spoiled with good amenities (great beer, great views, relative seclusion from the rest of the world). However, it’s still a little rugged in Vermont sometimes. Our tee boxes aren’t always the best and the elements can mess with you. Also, in the GMDGC scene, we’re a little old school and we don’t care that much about touring pros and big names. One last thing about the representative event is that it’d have to be in Vermont. Vermont represents the club so much better than New Hampshire does…
And that means to represent our club, we need a tournament (and course) that’s a little exclusive and maybe a bit standoffish. It has to be in Vermont. It has to have great amenities but still retain some ruggedness. Plus be old school and not give a shit about the rest of the world.
Which means, the tournament that best represents our club has to be The North Calais Open.
What’s a Bro-Rett, and why does James look so
cute wearing one? Please keep my name private.
Goodness. I’m not sure where to start with this one. I used to think that my least favorite disc golf phenomenon was shorts over tights. But that was before the male hair barrette came on the scene. Now, I’m sure I’m breaking this exclusive story because I don’t think the male barrette has made it into the wild yet. But I’ve seen it. And I don’t like it.
So, Christian, I’ve chosen not to protect your anonymity. And I’m refusing to answer your question directly. Call it what you want, but that male barrette idea is no good.
Who is your current favorite Professional Disc
Golfer? (Besides JSpring).
So, in the time I’ve taken to write this post, you think I would have investigated who Klazer is. But I haven’t. So I’m still curious. And he asked me a lot of questions, many of them personal. Like why I play disc golf. And how far I’ve traveled to play disc golf. And when the next time I’ll be out of town is. And what time I go to work in the morning. Which is a little weird.
Plus, he’s picked up on the Jeff Spring Bias that happens on this website.
So, Klazer, let me tell you this, before I answer your question. We like to talk about Pros around here at Circle Three. Like Spring and Youngbucks and Frothy and so on and so forth. And I really like to play up how much I love the Pros. Shit, I’ve written an article called To All The Pros I’ve Loved Before. But that’s all in good fun and very tongue-in-cheek.
When you talk about Pros, though, I suspect you’re not talking about our locals, but you’re talking about Touring Pros. Touring Pros are guys (or, of course, ladies) who travel the world playing our lame little sport, barely making ends meet but having the time of their collective lives. Touring Pros would destroy anyone of our Pros on any given day on any course anywhere ever.
So, I’ll take it to mean that you’re asking me who my favorite Touring Pro is. And my answer is no one. Of course not. Jesus, I’m a grown ass man. I don’t collect autographs and I certainly don’t have another “favorite” adult. That’s weird. Just like it was weird seeing full grown men swoon over Avery Jenkins' autograph when he was in Vermont. Give me a break.
Like Jay-Z said, “I don't wear jerseys, I'm thirty plus.”
I couldn’t agree more.
Dear Readers, thanks for contributing to and reading the first Circle Three Mail Bag. We can do this again if some questions come this way.